Clarkson University |
Region:Northern | Program Type: Summer/Year Round Grades/Levels Served: 7-12
Number of students Enrolled: approx 100
Address: School of Arts & Sciences Clarkson University Potsdam, 32 13699 | Contact: Peter Turner, Director Email: Phone: 315-268-2365 Fax: 315-268-3989 |
Website: |
Program Highlights: The primary goal of IMPETUS, Integrated Mathematics and Physics for Entry To Undergraduate STEM, for Career Success is to provide such an impetus to improved and increased opportunities for students from economically disadvantaged areas to realize their potential for college entry as STEM majors and for eventual career success in technically oriented professions. The principal components of the IMPETUS program are:
• Roller Coaster Camp: Two one-week summer programs for 96 students (48 each week).
• Academic year integrated mathematics, physics and computing program using the roller-coaster theme
• Support and after-school activities throughout year for up to 140 students and teachers in 14 different school districts in St. Lawrence County
• Students working in teams with mentors from C-STEP and prior STEP students
• A career opportunities program coordinated with professional advisors from Clarkson University personnel and visitors to Clarkson’s Careers Fairs.
• Teacher professional development through participation in St. Lawrence Mathematics Partnership workshops
Find out more at our website:
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